Medium minus body, high acidity, saline notes.
Grape: Moschofilero
Alcohol: 12%
Wine: Kotrotsos
Vintage: 2017
Winery: Kotrotsos Fine Wines
Country/Region: Peleponnese, Greece
Date: 6/25/20
Distributor: Total Wines
Notes: Medium minus body, high acidity, saline notes.
Nerd Alert: Aromatic white grape of Greek origins with a pink/purple skin and quite spicy flavor with good acidity. Grown throughout much of Greece and primarily in Peloponnese where it is traditionally used to make a dry and bold wine with much spice and perfume. It has been said that there is no single Moschofilero, only many mutations of the ancient Fileri grape family from Peloponnese. Moschofilero is productive and high yielding, but sensitivity to bad weather can cause problems in the vineyard. Rain has proved an issue, as has cold.
Personal Note: Impulse buy on a trip to Total Wines a while back. Been holding on it for about a year waiting for a moment of sharing it with other people that enjoy trying new things. But since Covid isn’t making things easy, I just went for it. As I will do with many other wines I have. If the virus has given us one thing is that even though patience is a necessary thing, we should also be conscious to not wait too long for things we want to do in life. And if I’m going to get through this long list, well, then I better get a move on. There’s so little to taste, so much time to do it. Wait a minute. Take that. Reverse it. Thank you. Also, quick thing, i’m loving how much geography I’m learning with this list. From this wine I really understood the closeness of Greece and Turkey and why all the conflicts they’ve had over the centuries.
#roadto500grapes #wines #winelovers #singlevarietal #singlevarietalwines #moschofilero #winetime #winestagram #whitewine #kotrotsos #peleponnesewines #greecewines