#29 Sangiovese – 471 grapes left

What an elegant mid body wine. Silky smooth, 16 years and drinking splendidly. Everyone gave it 92+ points.


Grape: Sangiovese
Alcohol: 14%
Wine: Brunello di Montalcino
Vintage: 2004
Winery: Argiano
Location: Tuscany, Italy
Date: 10/11/20
Notes: What an elegant mid body wine. Silky smooth. 16 years and drinking splendidly. Everyone gave it 92+ points.

Nerd Alert: Derives its name from the Latin sanguis Jovis, “the blood of Jupiter”. Recent DNA profiling by José Vouillamoz of the Istituto Agrario di San Michele all’Adige suggests that Sangiovese’s ancestors are Ciliegiolo and Calabrese Montenuovo. Early ampelographical research into Sangiovese begun in 1906 with the work of Girolamo Molon. Molon discovered that the Italian grape known as “Sangiovese” was actually several “varieties” of clones which he broadly classified as Sangiovese Grosso and Sangiovese Piccolo. Sangiovese has shown itself to be adaptable to many different types of vineyard soils but seems to thrive in soils with a high concentration of limestone.

Personal Note: I may not have a backlog of experience with italian wines (although this list is proving to be a map of my trial by varietal with a big focus on Italy) but I have been able to distinguish and enjoy quality wines like Brunellos. Sixteen years and this thing was drinking beautifully. I know the profile of the terroir manifests different in the wines but I have experienced Sangiovese from Napa with quite a few years in it’s pocket and I don’t mind saying that they could go head to head with some of its mediterranean counterparts. Maybe it could be a good exercise to do in the future in a VS tasting.

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