Could have sworn it was a Spatlese but finish was different. Really good.
- Grape: Hárslevelú
- Alcohol: 13.5%
- Wine: Tokaji Harslevelu
- Vintage: 2017
- Winery: Pannon Tokaj
- Country/Region: Tokaj, Hungary
- Date: 11/3/20
- Distributor: Hungaricum
Nerd Alert: The name refers to the “lime (tree) leaf” in many of it’s other countries synonyms. Native to the Carpathian Basin in central Europe, a geomorphological subsystem of the Alps-Himalaya system, specifically a sediment-filled back-arc basin. Harslevelu’s loose bunches and thin skins make it susceptible to the noble rot botrytis cinerea.
Personal Note: I didn’t even knew this single varietal wine was available in Puerto Rico. When I went to the distributor to pick my virtual tasting wines, we had a conversation, and I saw the some of the other wines in his portfolio. When I inquired about single varietal he showed me this wine which I ended up enamored with. If I had to compare it with something I would say the experience was similar to a german riesling spatlese but with different nuances obviously. It’s not the same after all. The price was very accesible as well. And just like that, this previously unknown grape to me, became one of my best discoveries of 2020. This wine is something else for those that enjoy slightly sweeter wines but not diabetes inducing.
Curious Synonyms: Lipovina, Frunza de Tei, Lindenbrattriger, Feuille de Tilleul.
#roadto500grapes #wines #winelovers #singlevarietal #singlevarietalwines #harslevelu #winetime #winestagram #whitewine #pannontokaj #tokaj #hungarywines
*Sources for the wine facts are from: Wine Searcher, Wikipedia, Vivino,, and the wineries websites.