Such acidity. Little on the nose, but big in mouth. Ancient grape
Grape: Falanghina
Alcohol: 12.5%
Wine: Vesevo Falanghina
Vintage: 2018
Winery: Vesevo
Location: Beneventano, Italy
Date: 12/6/20
Distributor: Mendez & Co.
Curious Synonyms: Biancozita, Falanghina Greco, Montecalvo, Uva Falerna
Nerd Alert: Ancient Italian white-wine grape, reportedly of Greek origin. It is also said that Falanghina is the grape variety behind Falernian, the most famous wine of Roman antiquity and the inspiration for Falerno del Massico DOC. There are diverse theories on the origin of the varietal’s name with the most accredited being that it derived from the Greek word falangos, which refers to the wood poles that support the grape vines. In November 2014 Falanghina was approved as a recognized varietal by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau for use in the United States.
Personal Note: I don’t have a lot of personal notes about this wine. It is the first time I try it. Didn’t really knew the grape until I started reading about it while drinking it. I was however fascinated with the historic aspect of it. Mainly the connection with the Romans. So I learned about this Falernian wine who the famous first wine writer Pliny The Elder even wrote about. Now I’ve read that they only theorize it used Falanghina and could have very well been a blend of a few grapes including this one. He wrote that apparently the 121BC Vintage was served to Julius Ceasar in 60BC after his conquest of Spain. That alone sounds extremely curious. From there I read that apparently the norm was to let this wine age for 15-20 years approximately so a 60 year old vintage doesn’t sound so extreme. And all this without me going into the fable of the farmer Falernus visited by the god of wine Bacchus. And they say wine is boring.
#roadto500grapes #wines #winelovers #singlevarietal #singlevarietalwines #falanghina #winetime #winestagram #whitewine #beneventano #campaniawines #vesevowines #italianwines #biancozita #falanghinagreco #montecalvo#uvafalerna
*Sources for the wine facts are from: Wine Searcher, Wikipedia, Vivino,, and the wineries websites.