#60 Viognier – 440 grapes left

Big wine, complex, aromatic, lovely color, and did I say big? This was a bold one.


  • Grape: Viognier
  • Alcohol: 13.5%
  • Wine: Clos Boucher
  • Vintage: 2014
  • Winery: Delas Freres Vins
  • Location: Condrieu, Rhone, France
  • Date: 1/29/21
  • Distributor: N/A

Curious Synonyms: Bergeron, Barbin, Rebolot, Greffou, Picotin Blanc, Vionnier, Petiti

Nerd Alert: The grape is naturally a low-yielding variety, which can make it a less economically viable planting for some vineyards. In 1965, the grape was almost extinct, and a source reported only eight acres in Northern Rhône producing just 1,900 liters of wine at that time. DNA profiing shows that Viognier has a parent-sibling relationship with the ancient Mondeuse variety, which means that it is either a grandparent or half-sibling of Syrah. In 2004, DNA profiling conducted at University of California, Davis showed the grape to be closely related to the Piedmont grape Freisa, and to be a genetic cousin of Nebbiolo.

Personal Note: I’ve tried Viognier before, but the California version. This was my first time trying a Condrieu and let me tell you it’s two different wines and it works great for me that I enjoyed both styles. This wine I did not buy. Now I don’t think ransack is the term I’d use, so I’m going to go with “politely requested and voluntarily let go of” by my old man. He’s a big french wine collector and as I was talking with him about the list and what wines I needed to buy he told me he had a Condrieu, to which I innocently replied back “It’s a wine list, not spirits”. Insert drumroll. I had not delved into the French regions that much and I have no issue admiting when I don’t know something. Mainly because right after I learn something. So I delved into the northern Rhone and read about it and realized that it was a great opportunity for me. So I included the wine for the list. There are plenty of wines from Viognier in Puerto Rico, also as I’ve learned there are many countries that now grow the variety including New Zealand, Argentina, Chile and Australia. Quite a departure from 1965.

#roadto500grapes #wines #winelovers #singlevarietal #singlevarietalwines #viognier #winetime #winestagram #whitewine #condrieu #rhone #northernrhone #delasfreresvins #closboucher #frenchwine #francewine #bergeron #barbin #rebolot #greffou #picotinblanc #vionnier #petiti

*Sources for the wine facts are from: Wine Searcher, Wikipedia, Vivino, wine.com, and the wineries websites.


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