- Grape: Nascetta
- Alcohol: 13%
- Wine: Langhe Nascetta
- Vintage: 2013
- Winery: Azienda Agricola Rivetto
- DOC: Langhe
- Location: Piedmont, Italy
- Date: 6/6/21
- Distributor: Quintana Hermanos
Curious Synonyms: Anascetta, Nas-cëtta
Nerd Alert: “An exquisite grape, tending toward art”, according to Lorenzo Fantini in his 1879 book “Wine Production and Oenology in the Province of Cuneo”. Despite the variety’s organoleptic appeal, Nascetta vines were systematically grafted over or replanted during the 20th Century, replaced by more profitable, higher yielding varieties. Quality has always been Nascetta’s strength. The variety was revived by a group of Novello winemakers (including Cogno) in the mid-1990s.
Personal Note: As I mentioned before, there are a lot of wine distributors in Puerto Rico. Some have limited portfolios and I’ve already done the grapes they carry so I haven’t visited them for the list. There’s one in particular I had not visit in a while so I wrote him and asked him for his wine list. When I reviewed it thinking I knew what he had, I was so surprised that I found a few wines of grapes I’ve never even heard of. One of them… was this wine.
I’m sorry. I think the foreshadowing was more than established at this point but I just felt like stating the obvious. My bad. Anyway, I opened it this past weekend together with my old man at a family gathering to get his take on it. After all, it’s a white wine, from Langhe, with 8 years on it. I expected a good wine and we got one.
I loved the color only older white wines have. That mix of golden-yellow is a beauty. It had some nice citric notes, maybe even a little grassy. On palate I’ll be honest, the first turn, I could have sworn I was drinking a Chardonnay. Which I have tried from Langhe as well and are fantastic. There was a similarity of a non malolactic, old school, mineral-driven Chard that was quite appealing. I don’t want to take away from the grape of course, it is the only instance I’ve had of it but it was elegant, it was structured and for those that enjoy to throw a left curve in a blind tasting…you have a winner here.
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*Sources for the wine facts are from: Wine Searcher, Wikipedia, Vivino,, and the wineries websites.