What is a Wine Colt?

What’s a wine colt? I know, you didn’t ask, but I do need content to start filling my blog so here goes a little summary.

Yes, it is a play on words because it does sound like wine cult which to most people into wine kind of is…a cult. But it wasn’t the original idea. You see I’m a second generation wine aficionado and a firm believer that you learn about wine by drinking. That being said, if you surround yourself with people that know more than you WHILE you drink, you are probably going to learn a bit more. So I attend a lot of vertical’s with people that have three or four times what I have invested in the world of wines and I taste, listen and learn. So in a way I’m like a colt (a young horse) running with the clydesdales trying to earn my wine horseshoes which in my case will probably mean certifications like the WSET.

And so, I”m going to be writing about some things, not pretending to be an expert but in a direction of learning, and I can’t stress this enough, by drinking. That’s not to say there isn’t reading involved or statistics (which I must admit I’m a nerd for) but you can’t create smell to taste memories of the different grapes, styles and vintages without trying them. You can memorize the fruit pie chart by what sources like Wine Spectator tells you to impress others but that’s just lying to yourself. So eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die. And yes that is quote from the bible. The Dave Matthews Band bible.

So there you have it. The origin post. The source of all the gibberish you are going to find in this depot. And boy do I have some interesting anecdotes to share and curious propositions.

Stay tuned.

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