I’d been reading about the grape’s profile and was hoping it was as similar as possible because it’s what I was craving.
- Grape: Feteasca Neagra
- Alcohol: 14%
- Wine: La Putere
- Vintage: 2017
- Winery: Cramele Recas
- DOC: CMD Recas
- Location: Romania
- Date: 6/12/21
- Distributor: Total Wine
Curious Synonyms: Coada Randunicii, Feteaska, Fetyaska, Pasareasca, Mädchentraube Schwarz
Nerd Alert: The original territory of the grape variety, whose name means “black maiden”, was the old principality of Moldavia. It largely disappeared from its Moldovan home during the Soviet era, though it continued to be cultivated in Romania with focus remaining in the east of the country. It’s an attractive prospect to winegrowers, as it is resistant to both cold temperatures and drought conditions. There are at least four different types of Feteasca Neagra; these mutations suggest the grape variety is relatively old in its own right.
Personal Note: Second wine I try from this producer, and country and with a similar name. First one was Feteasca Regala, #31 on this list. Every time I have one of these eastern european wines I remind myself that we know so little about their viticulture here on this side of the Atlantic. There are countries that have been making wine for the longest time, with varietals that have no similar descriptors to the grapes we normally try. I tell you, I don’t think we appreciate enough the marvels of global transportation. Yet this one is not locally available. Sorry PR crew. This is yet another wine from a trip to Total Wine.
As per this wine, I decided to open it up after a hards day work. I’d been reading about the grape’s profile and was hoping it was as similar as possible because it’s what I was craving. Vanilla, and spices, nothing to overpowering but with a firm presence. And I got just that. The plums…I’m going to have to give an I.O.U. to the one that found them because I didn’t get that. The alcohol was a decent level. Obviously red wines tend to prefer some time before they express themselves yet this one had some good characteristics out of the open and kept getting great as it aired out. And this wasn’t an expensive wine. Anybody has tried wines from Romania?
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*Sources for the wine facts are from: Wine Searcher, Wikipedia, Vivino, wine.com, and the wineries websites.