Dry, refreshing, marked acidity.
Grape: Pinot Grigio
Alcohol: 12%
Wine: Benvolio
Vintage: 2018
Winery: VI Del SCA Casarsa Della Delizia
Country/Region: Friuly, Italy
Date: 5/25/20
Distributor: Fine Wine Imports
Notes: Dry, refreshing, marked acidity.
Nerd Alert: Pinot Grigio is the Italian name for Pinot Gris, a white mutation of the Pinot family. It shares its genetic fingerprint with Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc and several other varieties. In many parts of Italy, the variety is used to make frizzante (semi sparkling) or spumante (sparkling) wines.
Personal Note: Here in Puerto Rico, Pinot Grigio sells well. For me however it hasn’t been the grape to go to. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, I just prefer different profiles. However I remember a tasting a few years back where I tried a ret great white wines and to my surprise, it was a Pinot Grigio. The winemaker was at the event and I shared with him my surprise and I remember it like it was yesterday when he told me “my friend, not all Pinot Grigio’s are created equal”. Right he was.
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