I don’t like this part. First of all, I’m not going to tell you a lot about myself. I’m here to write about wine. Well, wine and other things I relate to wine. But I guess I can tell you some things without handing out my social security number.
Although I am by every definition a writing aficionado, I have been writing online for the better part of 20 years be that about music, comics, books, politics, chaos, writing short stories, you name it. Both in English and Spanish. Oh and sometimes I like to pretend I’m funny, so…humor me. Anyway, I’ve had quite a few blogs over the years but my first one goes all the way back to 1998 when it was called a Web Log and AOL was not a media brands conglomerate but a greeting voice that announced when mail arrived.
I’ve been lucky enough to have access to great wines over the years be that because of the immense variety available where I live or mainly because I’ve surrounded myself with people that know more than me, have collected and drink wines for the longest time and unlike the old stories and cliches about the eskimo people, I’m a firm believer of keeping the knowledgeable elders close by. I enjoy learning of the experience of others. It also helps when they share their wine with you.
I live in Puerto Rico and even though this blog will cover many areas, my main focus is this quixotic endeavor of trying 500 wines from 500 varietals. We have amazing accessibility here in the island, but we don’t have 500 single varietal wines here. That’s when this mission will get interesting.
Simply put, I just believe that everyone should have fun and not take themselves too seriously (especially after this year we just left behind). Life is serious enough to have no sense of humor. Even if all you have is dad humor and boy aren’t you all lucky you don’t get to sit with me Sunday mornings over breakfast. If there was a dad humor certification a la WSET, I would probably be a Level 3 with distinction.
And as Mr. Peanutbutter, a character from the Netflix animated series Bojack Horseman, so elegantly put it: “The key to being happy isn’t a search for meaning. It’s to just keep yourself busy with unimportant nonsense and eventually…you’ll be dead“. For me, at this time, that nonsense is wine.
Enjoy the show.