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Grape VS Grape: Chardonnay (Spain & Australia)

How can the same grape create such different results depending on the location where it was cultivated? There are those that say it’s the terroir, others claim it’s the weather conditions, others award the responsibility solely to the winemakers. If we can use humans as an example of how while being ‘the same‘ we can…

Tasting of Ambrosia Fine Wines At The House

When I was a kid, there was nothing more amazing than putting some money in a vending machine and by cheer happenstance getting two items for the price of one. I”m obviously amplyfing it. Missing school was more amazing. But as an adult, going to a wine event and on the way out encountering a…

Another Normal Weekend Lineup

Kept it simple this past weekend. Honestly didn’t had any plans to open a bottle so, I didn’t. But I visited the old man and most of the time there is something either just opened or from the night before. It’s like Cheers, where everybody DOES know my name, but I don’t have to pay…