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Synonym Grapes List: #1 Cannonau/Grenache

Grape: CannonauAlcohol: 13.5%Vintage: 2018Wine: Dolia Cannonau Di Sardegna D.O.C.Winery: Cantine di DolianovaCountry: Sardegna, ItalyDate: 12/3/22DOC: Cannonau di SardegnaDistributor: Total WineOriginal Grape Entry: RT500 #97 (8/12/21)Original RT500 List Grape: Grenache What’s this list? Well, the Repeats Lists are literally wines with the same name I reviewed for RT500. The Synonyms List is the same DNA but…

Famille Perrin: A Night of Rhones and Rose At The House

One of the great things for those who enjoy wine nuances is that every year you have something new to explore because not two vintages are exactly the same. So experiences to listen and discuss with brand ambassadors are an essential part for the curious aficionado. In Puerto Rico we are never short of such…